
The Home category represents products that are generally intended for home use. Items in this category can be further categorized as utility or kids. But what differentiates them from those as top level categories is that they will be used in the home primarily. This can include blankets you wear like The Original Comfy to a locking fork and plate system like iFork.

A product or company categorized as Home may certainly have uses outside the home and may even be looking to expand there. But, at the time of the episode in which they pitched, their primary market was inside and they had not yet made moves to get outside.

In early seasons, Home deals were often in the top five of all types of deals being presented. Since Season Four, however, they have fallen just outside as products seem to have become more varied. This may reflect a preference of the sharks for items that have a bit more all around utility.

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This page was last edited on 15 April 2020, at 08:25.