No Deal


In what was, perhaps, one of the absolute cutest pitches ever on the tank, a ten year old inventor and entrepreneurs from Honolulu, HI, appeared to pitch her spoon for babies, Baby Toon.

Designed originally an an elementary school science fair project to solve the problem of very young children not being able to properly hold spoons, the entrepreneur designed one for their hands that also didn't have any sharp edges they couldn't accidentally stab themselves with. Additionally, to cut down on germs from accidental drops, a pacifier clip can be looped through the handler to keep it off the floor. She showed the original prototype that had been made out of some kind of sculpted plastic. She says that she acquired a patent on the product.

It has since gone into production and the entrepreneur demonstrated a knowledge of plastics that, honestly, not even your Stats Shark could follow but was very, very impressed by.

Sold since September 2018, the Baby Toon has grossed $5,000 in sales. It costs $6.60 to produce and sells for $15 per unit.

This deal aired on Episode 11.01.

Making A Deal

When Robert asks why the entrepreneur is willing to give up 50%, she responds that because she's only ten years old, she obviously needs a partner. Mark applauds the junior entrepreneur but goes out anyway because he says it isn't a fit for him.

Guest shark Daniel Lubetzky, states that he just doesn't understand the baby space and is out.

With probably the best moment of humor on Shark Tank, Mr. Wonderful says that he just doesn't believe that the entrepreneur is willing to drop out of elementary school to pursue the company full time. Also, it's a little to early for him and he drops out.

Lori says that she just wants to go along for the journey and offers the entrepreneur exactly what she's looking for, $50,000 for 50% equity and the entrepreneur accepts. This means that there was no bite from the company's valuation!

Following the making of the deal, Kevin gets out of his chair and offers it to the entrepreneur because of how well she did on her pitch.

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This page was last edited on 11 November 2019, at 10:13.