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Over the now nine seasons of Shark Tank, a core group of Sharks has formed: Barbara Corcoran, Daymond John, Lori Greiner, Robert Herjavec, Kevin O'Leary (the famous and self-proclaimed "Mr. Wonderful", and the beast himself Mark Cuban.

However, it did not start out that way. In the first season Kevin Harrington was a regular and Lori was nowhere to be seen.

Over the course of nine seasons, other self-made entrepreneurs have been guests including:

This site tracks every deal ever presented and negotiated on the show. However, because there have been so many guests, and frequently for only a single season, typically the charts and graphs only display the main five. This may change in the future should the guests reappear with any frequency.

Deal Types

Below is a chart detailing the types of deals made by the sharks. These deals typically fall into one of eight categories. Debt is where the deal involves little to no equity and is simply a loan on the part of the shark. Debt/Royalty is where the deal was a load and it either included a royalty or was repaid via a royalty.

Equity is the most simple and common investment type. This involves the shark taking an ownership stake in a company for a given amount of money. Deals classified as an equity deal do not involve any other conditions such as royalties or other payback terms. Equity/Debt deals do involve a degree of payback, though typically through loan terms and not a royalty which are classified as Equity/Royalty deals.

Then there are, of course straight Royalty deals in which the shark, in return for their capital, receives an amount of money per item sold. These are naturally among [Mr. Wonderful]'s favorite type of deal to offer (though, interestingly, not the type of deal he makes the most often as the chart below proves).

Lastly, there are the two most rare types of deal. IP deals where the intellectual property behind a company is purchased and buyout where the entire company is purchased by a shark or sharks.

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Relative Investment Amounts

While every shark has made at least one deal, some make more deals than others and some make fewer but for more money. The chart below demonstrates the relative investment amounts weighted against the number of deals each shark in the main cast has made per season.

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This page was last edited on 28 February 2020, at 11:21.