
It is a little bit arbitrary as to which companies are categorized into the kitchen market segment, hence the reason that kitchen segmented companies are always a sub-category of home companies. It serves as a way to denote companies and products that are creating goods specifically aimed for kitchen use as opposed to more general, around the house application.

This can also include products that are specifically cited as for being used outside in the garden like a small wood-fired pizza oven because it's primary purpose is the preparation and cooking of food. For a sub-category, there have actually been a fairly substantial number of products that have come into the tank and gotten a deal. Probably because kitchen solutions is one of those areas that just seems so within the sharks' wheelhouse.

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Pages in category "Kitchen"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.

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This page was last edited on 16 April 2020, at 10:55.