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Hells Bells

Hells Bells is a company from Philadelphia, PA, that is aiming to create stronger, safer, and more stylish motorcycle helmets.

As many people may or may not know, a lot of bikers prefer not to wear helmets on their motorcycles because, to them, it doesn't exude that aura of cool. Hells Bells hopes to change that with their new graphics printing process (that is, of course, patent protected). Hells Bells can print a wide variety of "cooler" biker motifs across the helmet.

So far, the business seems to have been successful. In the previous year, Hells Bells booked $175,000 in revenue and looks to do $300,000 by the end of the year in which this aired. This is enough to bring Daymond John onboard, though at the cost of him being a full partner.

This was a significant bite for Daymond, taking over half the value of the company with his 30% more equity requirement, leaving the value at just $1,000,000 by the end. Still, Daymond says he intends to license the product, so maybe that $1,500,000 bite might be worth it... 

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This page was last edited on 30 September 2020, at 13:09.