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Brazyn Life

Brazyn Life is a company from Santa Barbara, CA, started by former professional football player Nate Lawrie that makes a collapsable foam roller for traveling. The product is called the "Morph" foam roller. With the push of a button, the foam roller fold flat for easy transportation.

The company has a patents pending for the method of collapse in the United States, European Union, and in Australia.

The entrepreneur claims that his belief in the benefits of foam rolling stem from a serious injury he sustained while as a player in the NFL. After a necessary surgery, he continued to play for another five years and claims that it was the foam rolling that enabled him to do so.

The Morph costs $26.75 landed and retails for $68. The entrepreneur believes though that costs can be reduced to just $20 per unit. $68 retail, is more expensive than the more typical foam roller price around $40 but the entrepreneur believes he had an edge because of the ability of a person to bring it with them.

Brazyn Life has grossed $50,000 in sales in the month that the deal was filmed. They estimate $2,400,000 in sales within the next twelve months with a 20% profit margin. The company is currently profitable.

This deal aired on Episode 9.06.

Making A Deal

Lori teamed up with guest shark Sara Blakely to make Sara's first ever deal within the tank. Together they offered $25,000 over the asking amount in return for 20% (double) the equity. While the additional money softened the bite a little, the end result was still $1,000,000 off of the original valuation of the company.

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This page was last edited on 3 December 2018, at 12:20.