No Deal

Third Wave Water

Third Wave Water is a company from Cedarville, OH, that has created mineral packet to be added to water to add the "perfect" mineral balance to water meant for coffee. The name references the "third wave of coffee" happening in the US.

The demo was performed with two cups of coffee, one made with Los Angeles tap water and the other distilled with the product added. All of the sharks claimed water with the product produced better coffee. While the product can be added to tap water, the founder said that the product is intended to be added only to distilled water for the perfect taste.

Third Wave Water has been in business for eight months, grossing just $4,000 last year but $66,000 in the current year so far. The founder projects earning $120,000 in sales by the end of the year with gross margins of 95%.

This deal aired on Episode 9.03.

Making A Deal

Barbara's offer of $100,000 for 25% was accepted, taking a bite of $600,000 out of the total valuation of the company. Additionally, the terms of the deal include a $1 per unit royalty until earning back $100,000, classifying this deal as an equity/royalty mix.

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This page was last edited on 3 December 2018, at 12:51.