No Deal

Slyde Handboards

Slyde Handboards is a company from Monarch Beach, CA, that makes a unique type of body surfing board. The board is just larger than a flat glove and worn over two hands in a dolphin position and provides enough cut through the water that people can "surf" using just it.

The company was founded by a husband and wife entrepreneurial team who founded the company with $10,000 of their own wedding money.

Slyde Handboards has earned $60,000 in the year up to the episode being filmed with the entrepreneurs projecting gross sales of $295,000 by the end of the year. The company has had $356,000 in gross lifetime sales.

This deal aired on Episode 7.24.

Making A Deal

Mark Cuban and Ashton Kutcher teamed up on the deal, offering $25,000 more than the entrepreneurs asked for in return for 7% more equity than the entrepreneurs originally offered. Combined, this resulted in a bite of $310,606 but left the company valued at more than $1,000,000.


Episode 10.02 featured an update on Slyde Handboards. In the update, the entrepreneurs stated that they had just completed their second annual handboard competition. In the two years since their appearance in the tank, the company has grossed $1,300,000 in sales.

Additionally, Mark & Ashton announced that Dick's Sporting Goods had picked up the product for nationwide distribution.

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This page was last edited on 5 December 2018, at 14:49.