
Solemender is a company from St. Louis, MO, that has invented a new device to make feet more comfortable.

To alleviate foot pain, the entrepreneur behind Solemender has created a device with frozen metal rollers that cools as it massages when users roll their feet across it. The entrepreneur claims that it both reduces inflammation and repairs micro-tears in a user's tendons.

The entrepreneur was inspired by their mother and the pain she went through when dealing with Plantar Fasciitis.

In "just under" a year, Solemender has made $25,000 in gross sales. The device currently costs $10 landed and retails for $39.99. To reduce costs to under $6, the entrepreneur would have to make a minimum order of 25,000 units.

The sharks declined to bite and no deal was made.

This deal aired on Episode 9.04.

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This page was last edited on 3 December 2018, at 12:47.