No Deal


Mush is a oatmeal manufacturer in San Diego, CA, with an ironic name given their product. Their goal is to make people's morning meals more healthy by avoiding sugar and fat.

The product, Mush, is oatmeal in a cold to-go container with a single use spoon. When the product initial launched, the first flavor was vanilla bean. They have since expanded the flavors to include Dark Cacao, Michigan Blueberry (but not South Carolina Blueberry, you can tell the difference...), and Cold Brew.

Mush is two years old. In the first year, they sold exclusively at farmers markets and grossed $70,000 in sales. In the current year they have launched inside of Whole Foods and have grossed $120,000. Next year the entrepreneurs expect to gross $900,000 in sales.

The product costs between $0.70 and $0.80 per unit to produce based on the flavor. However, all flavors retail for $3.99 per unit.

Prior to starting Mush, both entrepreneurs worked at Goldman Sachs.

This deal aired on Episode 9.12.

Making A Deal

For a company that makes oatmeal, there was quite a lot of interest in the business. Both Rohan and Barbara made offers. Barbara's even include an unlimited credit line. In the end, however, Mark walked away with the deal, offering the entrepreneurs exactly what they asked for $300,000 for 10% equity in the company with zero Shark Tank Bite of the value.

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Episode two of Season Eleven featured a short update on the status of Mush. It was stated that one of the original founders of the company and who appeared on the original pitch had to step away from the company due to health issues. This placed the remaining founder in a stressful position of having to step up to CEO and lead the company herself. Investor Mark Cuban is shown speaking to her, apparently, about how best to go about hiring.

It's stated that before being on Shark Tank, Mush has been in around 150 stores and had booked almost $200,000 in sales. Since getting the deal eighteen months before, Mush is now in 3,500 stores nationwide and has done $5,000,000 in sales.

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This page was last edited on 4 November 2019, at 10:47.